#1 - Social Power

Social power refers basically to your ability to interact effectively with people and to bring the best out of them. If you are able to interact, socialize, negotiate and communicate, you are pretty much basing your credibility on social power. When overdone, it may appear like sucking up to someone. So watch the balance.

#2 - Expert Power

Expert power is the kind of power that you will see in professors who have a combination of legitimate and information power. They are experts in the field for an extensive area of knowledge. So you tend to respect them. Most people on the Internet establish themselves as expert by providing lots of information to their subscribers. This is the way to go, and if you are the kind that likes to read voraciously, then Internet marketing is definitely your cup of tea! Watch out you don't appear to be arrogant when you share your knowledge.

#3 - Information Power

Information power is the kind of thing that lets an individual be a gatekeeper of some piece of information that is scarce. It doesn't make you an expert, but it merely makes you valuable by virtue of the fact that no one else knows that 'secret'. People who hoard information, then distribute it end up becoming for more likable than they hoard it. At the same time, information holders may be passed off if the only thing they have is information! I highly recommend that if you are an information power holder, keep upgrading your information sources and your power will grow into Expert power.

#4 - Charisma Power

Didn't think you could be charismatic? Charisma seems to be left for the guys who wield power. But wait a minute - power comes from charisma. If you knew the strategies to influence and generate that charisma through that influence, you would be able to be more powerful. Charisma, however, is sometimes going to be interpreted as arrogance if you don't play it well.

#5 - Referent Power

When you refer to something, it associates with you. By hanging around a bunch of police officers after work for a drink, you are associated with them, and the reactions associated with that. If you hang around a group of beautiful models, you are associated with them too. So, the same thing happens when you talk about something. For instance, you talk about the fact that you went out with Bill Gates for lunch, that puts you in close proximity, and your reference create power. Watch out when you refer to people who may be credible but are unknown.

#6 - Legitimate Power

When you are put in a formal position of authority, you have legitimate power. As a chairman of a board of directors, you have legitimate power. As a coach of a national soccer team, you are in legitimate power. Legitimate power is good sometimes because credibility is automatic, but ONLY to that group of people who recognize that authority. So don't assume that just because you are a boss of 15,000 people, that others will automatically listen.

#7 - Coercive Power

Ooh... this one is about the whip. Can you wield coercive power and have credibility? Most people think not! Put it in perspective. One day, my staff were scolded over the phone by a very rich, but unreasonable customer. My business partner heard about it and called the other guy to reason with him, but ended up being insulted instead. So in return, my partner shouted at him to stop victimizing other people just to get a rise for them. If your coercive power is directed to protect those under your care, your credibility SOARS.

#8 - Reward Power

If I gave you $1000, would you like me more? Most probably! But not if I gave everyone else $10,000. Reward power has an issue in that you need to be FAIR. So as Internet marketers, we give out a ton of FREE bonuses, win clients over, then help to build a long term relationship with them. Do beware - such power is only externally motivating and doesn't always help in a long term relationship. It's just a start!

See also:

  1. Making Money Online - Affiliate Marketing
  2. '4 Things Must Do' For The First Time Affiliate Marketer
  3. How to Earn Your First Dollar