Today i found another tool to help analysis your blog, this tool help rank (1-10) on every single post you created and explained why they rank such way. Using the result you get to know how people surf into your blog and hence improve or create more such categories.
In the homepage all you have to do is to key in your blog's URL and click on the 'Analysis' button. If you're first timer it will take around 1 min to load and analysis your blog. Once done, you'll see your Blog title in the analysis page, the rest showing all the post in your blog. Check out the ranking in the left side of each post and click on 'More' to show preview of your post. The unique thing is there are 4 other taps under 'Good Posts' 'Great Posts' 'Best Posts' and 'Top 20', using this result to find out which of your post create more traffic for your blog and there you can start improve on it.
There is another useful tool in this website. Instead of typing your own URL to analysis, you can type in other URL similar to your blog to analysis them too. This way you'll also know what or which kind of post is good for you.
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